Hi (again) from Northumberland


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
Incredibly only my second post on here in 4 years. Joined as a refugee from PF...and then life and work got in the way and I haven't posted since:blushing:

I still have my tank - a beautiful Vision 260 - and most of the plecs I had back then too; L002, L091 (Dragon-fin), L104, L128, L240, L260. They share a tank with my last remaining Rummynose Tetra, a fish that is now nearly 8 years old! Over the years I've had a few plecs that didn't make it; a Royal Farlowella that managed to get itself wedged between the internal filter and the tank background, an L030 that didn't survive more than a couple of days, 4 Bristlenoses that didn't survive the mayhem of spawning and a stunning male L204 that got badly worked over by the Blue Phantom. Ironically those two were both acquired from the same PF member and lived alongside one another for several years.

I've got a few other tanks too, although they're dotted around the kitchen and the extension, still waiting to be set up as part of my grand plan to have biotope tanks for each of my plecs.

This time I will post more often :D
