Hi all I'm fairly new to owning plecs


New Member
Jan 23, 2011
South Yorkshire
I have had some bristlenose plecs for a while now, mainly used as extra clean up crew in my otherwise cichlid tanks. I was astounded when I found some baby fry plecs in my tanganykan cichlid setup from a pair of bristlenoses that were housed with them that I thought were both female.

A few days later whilst I was out buying a new external filter I was looking around the shop and was introduced to (what were advertised as) wild caught L134 (We were also told that L134 have now been banned from import etc, can anyone confirm this). I thought they were beautiful with stunning markings, fell in love with them <3 and immediately wanted some. My hubby and I went on to purchase 6 of these little beauties which we are hoping will mature into a mixture of males/females for obvious reasons. I am reading up on them as much as possible as we want to create the best environment for them to be happy in their surroundings so will probably be posting a few questions a little later for some advice.

Thanks all and hope to chat with you guys soon.


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Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia

I found although the L134 do enjoy some carnivore foods, they can be absolute gluttons and on occasion I have lost a couple to bloat. Just like little kids, make them eat some vegetables even if its disguised in hikari algae wafers. :)