Hi all newbie but not ; ) SSC QLD Aust.


New Member
Jul 6, 2010
Sunshine Coast QLD
Hi All

Im based on Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia. Beautiful place.
Am new to the forum, but not to aquariums and have had various tanks and fish over the last 20-30yr (I started as a little kid=thanks dad). I now have 3 young boys of my own now (10yr,7yr,4yr), they all have their own tanks now and they've got "fish fever" too. ;)

Rough setups are:
Tank 1 - 6ft 685 ltr - Community Fish, Pepps, Albino LF, Common BN & Planted C02, Trickle & FX5 Canister, Pwrhead, 2x 300w Heaters.
Tank 2 - 6ft 685 ltr - Amazon setup, L134, Discus & Planted C02, Trickle & FX5 Canister, 2x 300Heaters.
Tank 3 - 4ft 325 ltr - Red Tiger Oscars, Large Sailfin, Trickle & Eheim 2073, +PwrHead, 2 x 200w
Tank 4 - 4ft 325 ltr - Discus, Pepps, Trickle & Eheim 2073, 2 x 200w
Tank 5 - 4ft 325 ltr - Community, Pepps, Trickle & Eheim 2073, PwrHead, 2 x 200w
Tanks 6-10 - 2-4ft - Fry and growout,
Power Bill = HUGE, Jobs x 3, plus Solar power system 5Kw.

I work in a professional office during the week ;(, and run our small 50acre farm on weekends, needless to say life is busy but all good ; ).

Have read heaps of great info on the forums and looking forward to learning more.

Regards to all,


Mar 29, 2010
Bolton, NW Uk
Hi Chris :welcome: Im sure your input into the forum will be greatly apreciated, and your tank set ups sound great would be good to see some photos