Hi all :)


New Member
Sep 10, 2011
Bullsbrook, WA
hi everyone, My names Ethan and I'm 14 years old. I'm just starting to get into breeding bristlenoses and knew this was a good forum to get information from :) I currently have 6 tanks running at the moment.

1st tank is a 7x2x2 American Display tank ( stock: 1 Albino Oscar, 2 Silver Scats, 1 featherfin catfish, Convict Pair thats breeding in there, 1 Gold Spot Pleco, 2 Bristlenose and a Red Forest Jewel ).

2nd tank is a 3x2x18 display with a breeding colony of C. moorii.

3rd tank is a 3x2x18 display also ( stock: a rusty pair, Blue Johanni breeding colony and a Mbamba trio.

4th tank is a standered 3ft, it is a grow out tank for my johannis and rusties, but I also have 7 peppermint bristlenose in there, 6 of them are growing out and I am trying to get atleast 2 females out of them, the 7th is a big male I bought the other week so I can breed the peppies.

5th tank is a standered 4ft grow out tank for my C. moorii, but I also have about 20 orange spots growing out to try to get atleast 2 females for my Male and will sell off the rest when I have my females.

6th tank is a standered 3ft tank I set up yesterday for my Black face electra colony to try to start breeding them.

will try to get some pics in the next couple of days :)

cheers, Ethan


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Devon, UK
:hi: Hi Ethan, welcome to plecoplanet.
Sounds like you have a great set up already, especially considering you're only 14! well done