hello, at the moment i have a mixed colony of 6 red and green sevrems, a colony of 5 saluosi 2 males 2 females and 1 that hasnt decided yet! lol, i also have a pair of albino bristlenoses, and 3 longfin females,a bumblebee cat, 20 goldfish,lol, 3 cuckoo cats, 3 common plecs,and 2 jewels,thats all i have at the moment im waiting on my other 2 4ft tanks 2 be delivered, i have 12 frontosa on hold from a mate witch r going into 1 of the 4 fts when they get here, and i dont know wat im going 2 put into the other 1!lol, im also getting 3 red forests jewels in the next month, i am interested in ur saluosi and bristlenose fry how much do u want for them? or would u be willing to swap for anything?