Hi - another from Adelaide


New Member
May 2, 2010

I've been kicking around some of the other fish forums, but only just found this one, and it looks great! Very helpful!

I've got a couple of tanks, and am looking at making the 6ft easier to keep, with community fish (the discus are long gone I'm afraid, beautiful though they were, and the colony of pepp's days are numbered with me, hopefully going to a more appreciative home soon).

The cherry shrimp & CRS have been moved to another, smaller tank for their own safety once the angels and gouramis came in, and just as well, as the stragglers are only really holding their own with a thriving colony in the canister filter, despite the heavy planting!

Anyway, that's the current status, still longing after a female royal whiptail, hard to come by anything of sexable size in Adelaide. Maybe more whiptails, but I'll have to hang around here & find out whether they interbreed before considering putting them in the tank together, then chucking the angels and gouramis, putting the shrimp back in, you know how it goes, never ends.... :wb: But fun! :woohoo: