Hi I'm Steve, Dylan is my son (9) :hi:
Currently have Juwel Rio 180 (180 litres obviously) recently upgraded from 54 litre, ph 7.0-7.5 temp currently 26c, ammonia/nitite zero, nitrate 10-20, 40% water change weekly. Heavily planted, two large pieces of mopani root, some granite pebbles and piece of slate that forms a cave, intend to add a couple more caves/hiding places.
Current stock 4 x cory habrosus, 4 x guppy(1m3f), pair dwarf gourami, 3 x red phantom tetra (soon to be six), sailfin molly, male swordtail, two small angels (will probably move on when they grow larger), 2 x german blue rams, 2 x apple snails, 2 horned nerite snails, cherry shrimp and my fav fish a bristlenose plec (still small 2.5", believe it may be female but thats a guess).
Am looking to add an Albino BN.
Would love another large tank but would mean getting rid of the TV, wouldn't bother me as spend far more time watching the fish than the c**p on TV but think better half might be slightly put out.:lol:
Currently have Juwel Rio 180 (180 litres obviously) recently upgraded from 54 litre, ph 7.0-7.5 temp currently 26c, ammonia/nitite zero, nitrate 10-20, 40% water change weekly. Heavily planted, two large pieces of mopani root, some granite pebbles and piece of slate that forms a cave, intend to add a couple more caves/hiding places.
Current stock 4 x cory habrosus, 4 x guppy(1m3f), pair dwarf gourami, 3 x red phantom tetra (soon to be six), sailfin molly, male swordtail, two small angels (will probably move on when they grow larger), 2 x german blue rams, 2 x apple snails, 2 horned nerite snails, cherry shrimp and my fav fish a bristlenose plec (still small 2.5", believe it may be female but thats a guess).
Am looking to add an Albino BN.
Would love another large tank but would mean getting rid of the TV, wouldn't bother me as spend far more time watching the fish than the c**p on TV but think better half might be slightly put out.:lol: