hi guys and ladies if any of you would like to learn how to breed the common sailfin pleco in your tanks going to explain how to do it


Feb 26, 2023
well first you will need a 5 to 6 foot tank with a heater set at 24 degress a white led light black gravel and a peice of slat partly raised at the frount with a good size cape so the fish can get in and out they will breed on the under side top of the salat and the fry will start to hatch with in 24 to 36 hours when they breed in the wild it is near the edge of the muddy river bank and the dig out a long wide burrow in the mud and feeding the young is the same as u would bristle nose catfish i have only resently done it i was told it couldnt be done in fish tanks only large ponds but i have done it