For sale/wtb?Seachem prime concentrated conditioner 2L bottle.
Hikari sinking wafers and carnivore pellets 1Kg bags.
Type of fish/goods:- all brand new.
Size:- unknown
Sex(if known):-unknown
Qty available:- 2 each. So its 6 all together.
Price:-$80 for 2 L prime. $65 for the hikari wafers 1kg and $75 for the carnivore pellets. 1KG
Postage/shipping available?:-yes. At buyer cost.
Location(if pick up only)?:-
Photos:-sorry I can't upload any.
Contact:- 0433341828
Hikari sinking wafers and carnivore pellets 1Kg bags.
Type of fish/goods:- all brand new.
Size:- unknown
Sex(if known):-unknown
Qty available:- 2 each. So its 6 all together.
Price:-$80 for 2 L prime. $65 for the hikari wafers 1kg and $75 for the carnivore pellets. 1KG
Postage/shipping available?:-yes. At buyer cost.
Location(if pick up only)?:-
Photos:-sorry I can't upload any.
Contact:- 0433341828