First of all. Hi guys, it's been a while.
I'm having problems raising my L134 fry. Last year they were fine, and I raised and sold a good few spawns.
Towards the end of last year, the fry started to die off at the eating stage just as they had absorbed their yolk sack. Then the adults had a break, so I couldn't do much about it at that time.
They've started spawning again, and despite me doing daily waterchanges like I did last year, I can't seem to keep the fry much past the initial eating stage. Water parameters are Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20 or less, PH around 7 or less. I've started to use Microworms and some of them seem to be living for around a week after the yolk sack has gone.
Next step I was thinking of getting a HMA filter incase something has been added to our water supply that I don't know about. Would I be better with a 2 stage unit or a 3 stage one?
I have a RO unit that I've not used for a wee while, but kept it full of water to save the membrane from drying out. Would it be worth while trying an RO tap water mix for my small daily water changes?
This is really getting to me now as I thought I had cracked it last year. It's heart breaking watching all these babies die.
I'm having problems raising my L134 fry. Last year they were fine, and I raised and sold a good few spawns.
Towards the end of last year, the fry started to die off at the eating stage just as they had absorbed their yolk sack. Then the adults had a break, so I couldn't do much about it at that time.
They've started spawning again, and despite me doing daily waterchanges like I did last year, I can't seem to keep the fry much past the initial eating stage. Water parameters are Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20 or less, PH around 7 or less. I've started to use Microworms and some of them seem to be living for around a week after the yolk sack has gone.
Next step I was thinking of getting a HMA filter incase something has been added to our water supply that I don't know about. Would I be better with a 2 stage unit or a 3 stage one?
I have a RO unit that I've not used for a wee while, but kept it full of water to save the membrane from drying out. Would it be worth while trying an RO tap water mix for my small daily water changes?
This is really getting to me now as I thought I had cracked it last year. It's heart breaking watching all these babies die.