Hypancistrus Zebra variants and species ansd


Jul 29, 2009
IMO there are different variants of the L046 being listed by DATZ as L098 (broken lines with gaps/ dots) and L173 (L046 variant with wavy lines/ squiggles).
There are other Hypancistrus out there that resemble the colour and patterning of the L046 but are clearly different as they have different body shapes, size, eye colours, patterning and base colours.

I believe the fish posted at www.l173.de are quite different to that of the L046 variant with wavy lines/ squiggles and are what can be called “true?†L173. Many people claim to have or have had or bought or have access to L173 but as some have mentioned, as they are probably the most sought after Hypancistrus at the moment anyone will try to sell what may resemble L173 as genuine L173 when indeed they are not just to get the highest price for them.

I also think that the images listed in DATZ and some other publications of L173 are the L046 variant with wavy lines/ squiggles, named as a separate ‘L’ Number due to its different patterning when they were originally found in the wild. But should be labelled as L046 as well as they are only a pattern variant of the same fish. Whereas the fish on www.l173.de that I think are “true†L173 that fit the colour and patterning of the original L173 pictured in such publications. But in this case, have different body shape and eye colour. Which leads me to think that they are a different species to that of Hypancistrus Zebra L046. As for whether or not they are wild caught or captive bred hybrids selected for breeding a nice looking Hypancistrus, this can only be shared by the breeder or importer. IMO I believe that they are wild caught, as im sure the breeder would have noted it or explained is as he has done with other sp. of Hypancistrus he has crossed/ hybridised, such as the L046xL260.

A Question that I have is does anyone have a tank with only these Hypancistrus Zebra (L046) variants with wavy lines/ squiggles and is breeding them? What do their fry look like? Do we have any pictures? Or have any grown to sub adults or full grown adults? Are they all as varied with patterns as what their parents are? or are they all like standard L046? Or is there a mix of roughly half and half? This is something I am currently in process of trying myself.

As Hypancistrus Zebra (L046) was described in 1991, it now no longer actually has an L number (But everyone still uses it) more recently Ingo Seidel and others have noted that Hypancistrus Zebra (L046), L098 and L173 were all the same species. So technically there isn’t such a fish as L098 or L173. Which also leads me to these “L173†hypancistrus on www.l173.de are they a new undescribed L number that require species identification along with all the other L numbers that still have their numbers and haven’t been officially described?

Your thoughts?



Oct 16, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
All this is confusing me lol, not kept plecs that long. Right pmsl, surely hypancistrus must be able to hybridise in the wild so that would explain why people have to keep giving out new L numbers all the time.

If a fish can breed with another fish then aren't they both technically just the same anyway?

What the hell?