Hi - typical newbie post but grateful for any advise on whether I should be worried about these white marks on my bristlenose plecko. He's an elusive type and it was only when he landed on a plant at the front of the tank the other day that I spotted these white patches on his skin. It hasn't put him off his food and none of the other fish seem to have it - they're a mixture of basic community fish (danios, X Ray Tetras, Khuli Loaches, a barb, a siamese algae eater and guppy).
If it is an infection then any suggestions on how to cure it would be appreciated. I've seen a variety of posts on various sites about curing ich on plecos that verge between don't do anything other than raise the tank temperature (its currently 23 degrees), add salt at various concentrations, or add medication at half strength.
The bristlenose is far and away my favourite fish in the tank so I would be prepared to base any treatment on his needs.
Thanks in advance.
If it is an infection then any suggestions on how to cure it would be appreciated. I've seen a variety of posts on various sites about curing ich on plecos that verge between don't do anything other than raise the tank temperature (its currently 23 degrees), add salt at various concentrations, or add medication at half strength.
The bristlenose is far and away my favourite fish in the tank so I would be prepared to base any treatment on his needs.
Thanks in advance.
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