is my L046 ok?


New Member
Nov 17, 2013
This is my first post and I am very pleased that I found this forum. I have been keeping plecos for couple of years and so far so good no drama. I have L333, L397 and albino bn in a community tank and they all get along well and healthy. Recently I bought a L046 its about 4cm size. Since itsa carnivore so I put it in a nano tank with couple of tiny galaxy fish. It always hides in rocks cave. I am feeding it with a variety of food but unfortunately I have mever seen it come out to eat. I dropped little food every nite in case it searches food at night. Checking left over food each morning I really cant tell whether it ate or not. Because it hodes in cave all the time so I cant really see it's tummy
I have it for one month now so my thinking is it eats at night otherwise it would be dead by now. Am I correct? Or is there anything else that I can do? I took a picture of it please comment your thought on whether it is a starving zebra pleco.


UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
they often feed at night, but try a little meaty food in the morning too as mine come out and graze on tetra prima and peas and other favorites , just be careful in nano tank is these guys need really good water and the smaller the tank the easier it is to become unstable and any sudden ph drop can upset them