Juvie Pepp issues


Jul 15, 2010
This problem actually occurred several months ago That led to all my pepps dying:cry:.

Here's what happened. I have a standard 2 foot tank running a double sponge filter and an internal filter. I had about 10 pepps in there size ranging from 4-6cm. Water change 10-20% every other day. Diet: algae flakes and shrimp pellets.

Initially everything was fine, till one day my pepps started to come out of hiding. Their colour was darker than usual. I thought maybe they grew accustomised to their enviornment. 2 days later their colour got much darker and had some swimming frantically all over the glass and some on the surface. I did a 50% water change and 2-3 days later they all started to die off. when I took the dead ones out of the tank, they were bleeding from the mouth and their skin was peeling off rather easily.

I forgot to test the water before I did the change but after the change all the parameters were fine. even brought a sample of the water to a local aquarium and they had no idea what was wrong with the fish or the water.

Since then I have replaced 80% of the water, cleaned all the sponge filters with boiling water and have left it running for a month withot a heater. tiny snails starter to appear (not many about 5). Water conditions were good. I decided to get some cherry shrimps and a couple of gold fish to test out the water and jacked up the temp to 25degrees. Once it reached 25degrees, the snails were gone (maybe eaten by the cherry shrimps), and everything seemed fine. Only lost a couple of shrimps and its been about 3 months since the incident.

Ayone has any idea of what might had happened? As I'm going to purchase 5 juvie L002 in the next 2 days. Cheers