For Sale L Number Plecs, Corys, Cichlids & More...

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
Updated 16/5/12
Lots of New Fish & Live Plants New In Stock Again This Week
Rare Aquatics*Voted Northwest & Catfish Retailer of the year - Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Readers Poll
Our fish can be bought directly in store or for UK delivery from our online store or over the phone
Rare Aquatics Live Fish delivery throughout the whole UK £17.50 we also ship our Fish into Europe all with full DOA protection with us you are covered please email for full details
Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields
Tel: 01270 589006
More New Fish
Gold Laser Corydoras £6
Corydoras Napoensis £4.80
C65 Guarana Sodapop Corydoras - Rare £12
L183 F1 White Seam Ancistrus £13.50
L333 F1 Black & White Hypancistrus sp. £10
Zebra Ottos Nice Size £12
Geophagus "Tapajos" Red Heads - Large size wild caughts £48
Corydoras CW28 - Super Schwarzi - perfect condition & huge dorsals £21
Wild Blue Discus - XL - Stunners £90
Tatia Altae - New very rare £15 Only At Rare Aquatics

L25 Pseudacanthicus Xingu Scarlet Pleco - ULTRA Special - very bright tails and fins £150 ea
NEW*Hypancistrus sp. Guaviare - these are very nice First time import Only at Rare Aquatics £40 ea
XXL L330 Watermelon Plecos Full Spotted £350 half spotted £300 16"
Large L330 Watermelon Plecos £45
Large LDA72 Ancistrus Plecos £9.99
L93 Blue Fin Thresher Pleco £25
XXL L200 Green Phantom Pleco £70 10"
XL L75 Sabaji Pleco £70
L200 Hi-Fin - ( True )*Baryancistrus demantoides pairs available £35 ea
Blue Eye Panaque perfect specimens - these are ultra-rare and in stock at Rare Aquatics
XL L128 Blue Phantom Pleco 9 - 10" £70
XL L91 Leporacanthicus triactis -Three Beacon Pleco 7 - 8" £40
L75 Peckoltia sabaji £25
XL LDA72 Ancistrus Pleco XL £9.99
L097 Pseudacanthicus White Spotted Scarlet VERY RARE Only At Rare Aquatics £175
XL L168 Butterfly Pleco £15
L129 Columbian Zebra Pleco £15
L128 Blue Phanton Pleco Large £40
L152 Pseudorinelepis sp. Pleco Medium £40
Corydoras Loxozonus £3.99
Large Corydoras Metae £4.99
Corydoras Punctatus £3.99
Corydoras Melanistrus £3.99
Corydoras Schwarzi - Large £6
Large Corydoras*Melini £3.99
XL Corydoras Simulatus £3.99
Corydoras Reynoldsi £6 FEW
Aspidoras Taurus £8
Corydoras Schultzei Black good size UK Tank Bred £10
Corydoras Rabauti - XXL - Beautiful £3.99
Corydoras CW060 £3.99
Corydoras CW51 £22.50
Corydoras Habrosus £2
Corydoras Concolor £3.99
Corydoras elegans £4
Corydoras C138 RARE £80
Corydoras Melanotaenia £3.99 L
Corydoras Arcuatus £3.99

Geophagus Steindachneri £9.99
Geophagus Surinamensis £7.99
Biotoma Cupido £30
Large Rams Stunning size & quality £5.99
Large hoplarchus psittacus True Wild Parrot £30
Heros Severum £13
XL Santa Izabella Red Altum £100*
XL Wild Discus Pair £200
Leopoldi Angelfish UK Tank Bred F1 £9
TRUE Lugrubis Atabapo Fire Red Pike 12 - 14" VERY RARE £250
Dicrossus Filamentosus £3 *
Apistogramma Macmasteri Sp. £8 ea
Crenicichla Johanna Red XL £50
XL Geophagus cf. Altifrons Areoes £32
Atabapo Red Pike Cichlid RARE Wild £150 approx 9" - 10"
Satanoperca daemon £6.99
Blue Acara Caught stunning £9.99 ea
Lamontichthys Llanero £25
Tatia sp. NEW TAHUAYO Green / Yellow Fin - gorgeous new tatia not seen in the UK before, these are very special £50
Brachyrhamdia Meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Megalechis Thoracata £6.99
Platydoras Armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99
M. Tigrinum Stunning Rare one left £400
XL Dianema Urostriatus - flag tail Hoplo £9.99
Cardinal Tetras £1
Nannostomus minimus £1 Rare
Poecilocharax weitzmani Large rarely seen £3.99
Betta Rubra mouthbrooding Betta seldom available pair £30 & fry
Neon Tetra £1
Leporinus Fasciatus £3.60
Leporellus Vittatus XL RARE £25
Crystal Tetra £1
We also carry a massive stock of dry goods live plants & bogwoods way to much to list

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
Large L260 Queen Arabesque Plecos lots of males & females pairs these are the best we have ever seen great chunky breeding sized / condition

New fish arrived !! XL L25 Xingu Scarlet Double Red truly stunning special fish



Nov 2, 2009
Hoylake (Wirral)
Hi Jo,

Is there a price on the large L25 and are these around breeding size? Might be an idea for my first fish house tank and could be housed in my main tank for the time being (although I am trying to be good and not spend so I can get everything done to the shed but it never works) haha

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
New arrivals at Rare Aquatics -

L262 Hypancistrus Snow Arabesque
L273 Pseudacanthicus sp
L400 Hypancistrus sp
XL L14 Scobiancistrus Sunshine Pleco
L204 Flash Panaque Pleco
L264 Leporacanthicus Sultan Pleco
XXL L90 Ojo Chico Papa Panaque
XL L81 Baryancistrus Orange Seam Pleco
XL L47 Magnum Pleco
L600 Pseudacanthicus Pleco
Large Wild Corydoras Green Laser
Large Wild Corydoras Weitzmanni
Large Wild Corydoras Panda
Large Wild Corydoras Duplicareus
XL Brochis Splendens
XXL / huge Satanoperca Leucosticta - perfect examples
L Pictus Pimelodus

Photos to follow

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields

Tel: 01270 589006

Jubilee Bank Holiday Opening Hours - Saturday & Sunday as normal Bank Hol Monday & Tuesday 10am to 4pm

XL L14 Scobiancistrus Sunshine Pleco £200
L204 Flash Panaque Pleco £22
L264 Leporacanthicus Sultan Pleco £45
XL L90 Ojo Chico Papa Panaque £200
XL L81 Baryancistrus Orange Seam Pleco £220
XL L47 Magnum Pleco £150
L600 Pseudacanthicus Pleco £275
Wild L66 King Tiger Hypancistrus sp. Pairs £120
L262 Hypancistrus Snow Arabesque adult size rare £100
L273 Pseudacanthicus sp. Pleco small £175
L260 Queen Arabesque Wild Adults Breeding sized pairs £170 only 2 left
L114 Leopard Cactus Pleco £32
L183 F1 White Seam Ancistrus £13.50
L333 F1 Black & White Hypancistrus sp. £10
XXL L330 Watermelon Plecos 18" £300
Large L330 Watermelon Plecos £45
Large LDA72 Ancistrus Plecos £9.99
L93 Blue Fin Thresher Pleco £25
XL L200 Green Phantom Pleco £70
L25 Pseudacanthicus Xingu Scarlet Pleco very bright tails and fins £150
NEW Hypancistrus sp. Guaviare - these are very nice First time import very special fish £40
XL L75 Sabaji Pleco £70
L200 Hi-Fin - ( True ) £35
XXL L128 Blue Phantom Pleco 9 - 10" £70
L75 Peckoltia sabaji £25
Large L91 Leporacanthicus triactis -Three Beacon Pleco £40
Blue Eye Panaque Plecos fin perfect specimens ultra rare £1000 1 left now
L128 Blue Phantom Pleco £40 Large
L097 Pseudacanthicus White Spotted Scarlet Pleco Very RARE £175
L129 Hypancistrus Columbian Zebra Pleco £15
L152 Pseudorinelepis sp. Pleco £40
XL L168 Butterfly Pleco £15

L Brochis Splendens £6
Large Wild Corydoras Green Laser £22.50
Large Wild Corydoras Weitzmanni £17
Large Wild Corydoras Panda £5
Large Wild Corydoras Duplicareus £12
Gold Laser Corydoras £6
Corydoras Napoensis £4.80
C65 Guarana Sodapop Corydoras - Rare £12
Corydoras CW28 - Super Schwarzi - perfect condition & huge dorsals £21
Corydoras Punctatus £3.99
Corydoras Schwarzi - Large £6
Corydoras Melini £3.99
Corydoras Simulatus- Large £3.99
Corydoras Reynoldsi £6
Aspidoras Taurus good size UK £8
Corydoras Schultzei Black good size UK £10
Corydoras Rabauti - XL - Beautiful £3.99
Corydoras CW060 £3.99
Corydoras CW51 £22.50
Corydoras Arcuatus - £3.50
Corydoras Concolor - £3.99
Cordoras Habrosus - £2
Corydoras C82 Loxozonus - £3.99
Corydoras elegans £4
Corydoras C138 RARE £80
Corydoras Metae £4.99 Large

L Pictus Pimelodus £10
Tatia Altae - perfect chunky condition £15 only at Rare Aquatics
Lamontichthys Llanero £25
Brachyrhamdia Meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Tatia sp. NEW TAHUAYO Green / Yellow Fin 1st time in the UK ONLY at Rare Aquatics £50
Megalechis Thoracata £6.99
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99
M. Tigrinum Stunning Rare! Only 1 Left
XL Dianema Urostriatus - flag tail Hoplo £9.99

XL / huge Satanoperca Leucosticta - perfect examples £70
Geophagus "Tapajos" Red Heads - Large size wild caughts £48
Wild Blue Discus - XL - Stunners £90
Wild Green Discus XL £70
Wild Discus Red Maues / Lago Paraconi Discus XL £150
Geophagus Steindachneri £9.99
Geophagus Surinamensis £7.99
Biotoma Cupido £30
Hoplarchus psittacus True Wild Parrot £30
Large Wild Rams Superb size & quality £5.99
Red Severum wild Coloumbia £13
Leopoldi Angelfish F1 £9
Singapore Blue Angelfish £10 TB
True Lugrubis Atabapo Fire Red Pike Awesome 12" Female £200
Lugrubis Atabapo Fire Red Pike Matched PAIR 8" £300
Dicrossus Filamentosus £3 Little stunners
Apistogramma Macmasteri Sp. £8 ea
Crenicichla Johanna Red Large XL £50
Atabapo ll Red Pike Cichlid RARE X Large Male £150

Large Cardinal Tetras £1
Crystal Tetras £1
Nannostomus minimus £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani Large rarely seen £3.99
Leporinus Fasciatus - Banded Leporinus £3.60
Green Neon Tetra £1

We also carry a massive stock of dry goods live plants & bogwoods way to much to list

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
New Fish In Stock
Brochis Splendens £6.00
Centromochlus schultzi £45
Clown Loach £30
Corydoras C129 Rare £29
XL Corydoras semiacuilus £45
L18 Baryancistrus Golden Nugget Pleco £35
L201 Hypancistrus Pleco £22
Large L25 Pseudacanthicus Scarlet Pleco £380
L29 Leporacanthicus galaxias - Golden Vampire Pleco £49
Parasphaerichthys ocellatus, Eyespot gourami £6.99
Serrasalmus notatus £15
Serrasalmus rhombeus - Black Rhom £250
Sorubim lima £14.99
Apistogramma cacatuoides Double Red PAIR £25
Apistogramma Fire Red PAIR £25
Apistogramma Mendizi Pair RARE £65
Black Ghost Knifefish £10.99

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009

L134 Peckoltia Compta - (Leopard Frog)
L14 Scobiancistrus Sunshine Pleco
L18 Baryancistrus Golden Nugget Pleco £35
L201 Hypancistrus Pleco £22
Large L25 Pseudacanthicus Scarlet Pleco £380
L29 Leporacanthicus galaxias - Golden Vampire Pleco £49
L204 Flash Panaque Pleco £22
L264 Leporacanthicus Sultan Pleco £45
XL L90 Ojo Chico Papa Panaque £200
XL L81 Baryancistrus Orange Seam Pleco £220
XL L47 Magnum Pleco £150
L600 Pseudacanthicus Pleco £275
L66 King Tiger Hypancistrus sp.wild Pairs £120
L262 Hypancistrus Snow Arabesque adult size rare £100
L260 Queen Arabesque Wild Pairs £170
L114 Leopard Cactus Pleco £32
XXL L330 Watermelon Plecos 18" £300
Large L330 Watermelon Plecos £45
Large LDA72 Ancistrus Plecos £9.99
L93 Blue Fin Thresher Pleco £25
XL L200 Green Phantom Pleco £70
L25 Pseudacanthicus Xingu Scarlet Pleco very bright tails and fins £150
NEW Hypancistrus sp. Guaviare - these are very nice First time import very special fish £40
XL L75 Sabaji Pleco £70
L200 Hi-Fin - ( True ) £35
XXL L128 Blue Phantom Pleco 9 - 10" £70
Blue Eye Panaque Plecos fin perfect specimens ultra rare £1000 1 left now
L128 Blue Phantom Pleco £40 Large
L097 Pseudacanthicus White Spotted Scarlet Pleco Very RARE £175
L152 Pseudorinelepis sp. Pleco £40
XL L168 Butterfly Pleco £15

Brochis Splendens £6.00
Corydoras C129 Rare £29
XL Corydoras semiacuilus £45
Large Wild Corydoras Green Laser £22.50
Large Wild Corydoras Weitzmanni £17
Large Wild Corydoras Panda £5
Large Wild Corydoras Duplicareus £12
Gold Laser Corydoras £6
Corydoras Napoensis £4.80
C65 Guarana Sodapop Corydoras - Rare £12
Corydoras CW28 - Super Schwarzi - perfect condition & huge dorsals £21
Corydoras Punctatus £3.99
Corydoras Schwarzi - Large £6
Corydoras Melini £3.99
Corydoras Simulatus- Large £3.99
Corydoras Reynoldsi £6
Aspidoras Taurus good size UK £8
Corydoras Schultzei Black good size UK £10
Corydoras Rabauti - XL - Beautiful £3.99
Corydoras CW060 £3.99
Special Offer Corydoras CW51 £12.50
Corydoras Arcuatus - £3.50
Corydoras Concolor - £3.99
Cordoras Habrosus - £2
Corydoras C82 Loxozonus - £3.99
Corydoras elegans £4
Corydoras C138 RARE £80
Corydoras Metae £4.99 Large

Sorubim lima £14.99
L Pictus pimelodus £10
Lamontichthys llanero £25
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Tatia sp. NEW TAHUAYO Green / Yellow Fin 1st time £50
Megalechis Thoracata £6.99
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99
M. Tigrinum Stunning Rare! Only 1 Left
XL Dianema Urostriatus - flag tail Hoplo £9.99

Satanoperca jurupari, Demon eartheater £9.99
Apistogramma Mendizi RARE £32.50
Apistogramma cacatuoides Double Red PAIR £25
Apistogramma Fire Red PAIR £25
XL / huge Satanoperca Leucosticta - perfect examples £70
Geophagus "Tapajos" Red Heads - Large size wild caughts £48 one left
Geophagus Surinamensis £9.99
Biotoma Cupido £30
Hoplarchus psittacus True Wild Parrot £30
Large Wild Rams Superb size & quality £5.99
Red Severum wild Coloumbia £13
Leopoldi Angelfish F1 £9
Singapore Blue Angelfish £10 TB
True Lugrubis Atabapo Fire Red Pike Awesome 12" Female £200
Lugrubis Atabapo Fire Red Pike Matched PAIR 8" £300
Dicrossus Filamentosus £3 Little stunners
Apistogramma Macmasteri Sp. £8 ea
Crenicichla Johanna Red Large XL £50
Atabapo ll Red Pike Cichlid RARE X Large Male £150

Large Cardinal Tetras £1
Crystal Tetras £1
Nannostomus minimus £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani Large rarely seen £3.99
Leporinus Fasciatus - Banded Leporinus £3.60
Green Neon Tetra £1
L134 Peckoltia Compta - (Leopard Frog)
L14 Scobiancistrus Sunshine Pleco
L18 Baryancistrus Golden Nugget Pleco*£35
L201 Hypancistrus Pleco*£22
Large*L25 Pseudacanthicus Scarlet Pleco*£380
L29 Leporacanthicus galaxias - Golden Vampire Pleco*£49
L204 Flash Panaque Pleco £22*
L264 Leporacanthicus Sultan Pleco £45*
XL L90 Ojo Chico Papa Panaque £200*
XL L81 Baryancistrus Orange Seam Pleco £220*
XL L47 Magnum Pleco £150*
L600 Pseudacanthicus Pleco £275*
L66 King Tiger Hypancistrus sp.wild Pairs £120*
L262 Hypancistrus Snow Arabesque adult size rare £100*
L260 Queen Arabesque Wild Pairs £170
L114 Leopard Cactus Pleco £32*
XXL L330 Watermelon Plecos 18" £300*
Large L330 Watermelon Plecos £45*
Large LDA72 Ancistrus Plecos £9.99*
L93 Blue Fin Thresher Pleco £25*
XL L200 Green Phantom Pleco £70*
L25 Pseudacanthicus Xingu Scarlet Pleco very bright tails and fins £150*
NEW Hypancistrus sp. Guaviare - these are very nice First time import very special fish *£40*
XL L75 Sabaji Pleco £70*
L200 Hi-Fin - ( True ) £35*
XXL L128 Blue Phantom Pleco 9 - 10" £70*
Blue Eye Panaque Plecos fin perfect specimens ultra rare £1000 1 left now*
L128 Blue Phantom Pleco £40 Large*
L097 Pseudacanthicus White Spotted Scarlet Pleco Very RARE £175*
L152 Pseudorinelepis sp. Pleco £40*
XL L168 Butterfly Pleco £15*
Brochis Splendens*£6.00
Corydoras C129 Rare*£29
XL*Corydoras semiacuilus*£45
Large Wild Corydoras Green Laser £22.50*
Large Wild Corydoras Weitzmanni £17*
Large Wild Corydoras Panda £5*
Large Wild Corydoras Duplicareus £12*
Gold Laser Corydoras £6*
Corydoras Napoensis £4.80*
C65 Guarana Sodapop Corydoras - Rare £12*
Corydoras CW28 - Super Schwarzi - perfect condition & huge dorsals £21*
Corydoras Punctatus £3.99*
Corydoras Schwarzi - Large £6*
Corydoras Melini £3.99*
Corydoras Simulatus- Large £3.99*
Corydoras Reynoldsi £6*
Aspidoras Taurus good size UK £8*
Corydoras Schultzei Black good size UK £10*
Corydoras Rabauti - XL - Beautiful £3.99*
Corydoras CW060 £3.99*
Special Offer Corydoras CW51 £12.50
Corydoras Arcuatus - £3.50 *
Corydoras Concolor - £3.99 *
Cordoras Habrosus - £2 *
Corydoras C82 Loxozonus - £3.99*
Corydoras elegans £4*
Corydoras C138 RARE £80*
Corydoras Metae £4.99 Large*
Sorubim lima*£14.99
L Pictus pimelodus £10*
Lamontichthys llanero £25*
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15*
Tatia sp. NEW TAHUAYO Green / Yellow Fin 1st time £50*
Megalechis Thoracata £6.99*
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99*
M. Tigrinum Stunning Rare! Only 1 Left*
XL Dianema Urostriatus - flag tail Hoplo £9.99*
Satanoperca jurupari,*Demon eartheater £9.99
Apistogramma Mendizi RARE*£32.50
Apistogramma cacatuoides Double Red PAIR*£25
Apistogramma Fire Red PAIR*£25
XL / huge Satanoperca Leucosticta - perfect examples £70*
Geophagus "Tapajos" Red Heads - Large size wild caughts £48 one left
Geophagus Surinamensis £9.99*
Biotoma Cupido £30*
Hoplarchus psittacus True Wild Parrot £30*
Large Wild Rams Superb size & quality £5.99*
Red Severum wild Coloumbia £13*
Leopoldi Angelfish F1 £9*
Singapore Blue Angelfish £10 TB*
True Lugrubis Atabapo Fire Red Pike Awesome 12" Female £200*
Lugrubis Atabapo Fire Red Pike Matched PAIR 8" £300*
Dicrossus Filamentosus £3 Little stunners *
Apistogramma Macmasteri Sp. £8 ea*
Crenicichla Johanna Red Large XL £50*
Atabapo ll Red Pike Cichlid RARE X Large Male £150*
Large Cardinal Tetras £1*
Crystal Tetras £1*
Nannostomus minimus £1*
Poecilocharax weitzmani Large rarely seen £3.99*
Leporinus Fasciatus - Banded Leporinus £3.60*
Green Neon Tetra £1
Pygocentrus cariba*£15
Serrasalmus rhombeus - Black Rhom*£250
Parasphaerichthys ocellatus, Eyespot gourami*£6.99*
Black Ghost Knifefish*£10.99
Clown Loach*£30
We also carry a massive stock of dry goods live plants & bogwoods way to much to list £15
Serrasalmus rhombeus - Black Rhom £250
Parasphaerichthys ocellatus, Eyespot gourami £6.99
Black Ghost Knifefish £10.99
Clown Loach £30

We also carry a massive stock of dry goods live plants & bogwoods way to much to list
Last edited:

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
Loads of amazing fishes arrived today - photos to follow later:

Liosomadoras oncinus - Jaguar Catfish
Corydoras leopardus - stunning
Semaprochilodus taeniurus - Flagtail Prochilodus - lots of these arrived
Geophagus "Tapajos" Red Heads - Rarely seen wild adults. Males and females available
Otocinclus cocama - Zebra Otto's XL size - perfect condition
XL Corydoras narcissus VAR II - New variety???? of this very large corydoras
Nannostomus Peru Gold Pencilfish NEW - First import
Pseudohemiodon apithanos - Chameleon Whiptail - Black and white whiptails - absolutely gorgeous
Platystacus cotylephorus - eel tail bajo - Nice
XXL Satanoperca demon eartheater - huge fishes - need to be seen to be believed
Retroculus lapidifer - Ultra rare - fantastic size and quality
Planiloricaria cryptodon - Spoon Faced Whiptail - huge and perfect condition. VERY attractive
XL L14 Scobiancistrus Sunshine Pleco
Large L264 Leporacanthicus - Sultan Pleco
Potamotrygon hystrix ray BRAZIL
Brachyplatystoma platynemum - perfect condition with long filaments and antennas
L262 Snow Arabesque Hypancistrus Pleco PAIR - more of these hypans arrived
Parosphromenus deissneri - Licorice Gourami - perfect condition fish
Helleri - Swordtail MARLBORO - German Bred (Glasers) - new strain - males and females available
Artic Blue Guppy - German Bred (Glasers) - the best quality guppys
Magenta Purple Guppy - German Bred (Glasers) - lovely colours
Betta Splendens short elephant ears NEW strain - German supplied (Glasers) - fantastic coloured bettas
Betta Splendens females (super colour )- German supplied (Glasers)