For sale/wtb? For Sale
Type of fish/goods:- L002
Size:- 5-5.5cm
Sex(if known):- Looks like one female and two males.
Qty available:- 3
Price:- make an offer, no tyre kickers please.
Postage/shipping available?:- at byers expense via AAE
Location(if pick up only)?:- Sent From Canberra
Contact:- PM thanks then will pm my mobile.
Type of fish/goods:- L002
Size:- 5-5.5cm
Sex(if known):- Looks like one female and two males.
Qty available:- 3
Price:- make an offer, no tyre kickers please.
Postage/shipping available?:- at byers expense via AAE
Location(if pick up only)?:- Sent From Canberra
Contact:- PM thanks then will pm my mobile.