For sale
Type of fish:- L046
Size:- adults
Qty available:-About 12 - 14
Price:-$2000 each
With heavy heart l am selling my pride and joy, l am traveling too often these days.
Will not separate, l often have two males on eggs at same time, once three males on eggs, totaling in 46 young that time. The latest batch taken, 23 fry from 2 separate males, a great investment for some one or a group buy.
Aged 8 to 3 years old, actual numbers are vague as young have escaped over time and its a big tank.
No guarantees given that they will preform for you like that and there is no reason why they wont if you follow a few rule l will give you.
Type of fish:- L046
Size:- adults
Qty available:-About 12 - 14
Price:-$2000 each
With heavy heart l am selling my pride and joy, l am traveling too often these days.
Will not separate, l often have two males on eggs at same time, once three males on eggs, totaling in 46 young that time. The latest batch taken, 23 fry from 2 separate males, a great investment for some one or a group buy.
Aged 8 to 3 years old, actual numbers are vague as young have escaped over time and its a big tank.
No guarantees given that they will preform for you like that and there is no reason why they wont if you follow a few rule l will give you.
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