

New Member
Dec 27, 2011

zebra plecos


2 breeding pairs

approx 40


can ship from hobart


can send photos


hey guys

i have 2 breeding pairs of zebras and are looking for expressions of interest in the maybe sale of these
i have the two breeding pairs and 36 babies in varying sizes and the male is on eggs again at the moment
only interested in serious breeders as my main intent was to breed these until i got to 200 and then was going to separate bits and pieces but due to lack of time and the fact i have over commited myself in my business dealings i may part with them
the varying sizes are from adults down have them at 8cms 6cms 4 cms and 1.5cms swimming around

just pm me on here
grant (hobart)


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
I don't think I have the funds to offer what you would be looking for in the price but my goodness, could you see your way to posting up a breeding log sometime on this forum about your zebs?
Hungry for breeding info we are. :)


New Member
Dec 27, 2011
hey bren
it was all sort of an accident
i bought eight off a guy and put them in a tank and had even thought i had killed them when i hadnt seen them again for nearly 4 months and then decided to pull apart the tank and see what was there, and they all were still there,
chucked them back in and hardly saw them again over the next 18 months as my wife mainly fed them
at that time they were in a 5x2x2 and apart from a nicely planted tank they were the only inhabitants and i bought a heap of small slate caves from a youngguy off a forum that was making them at a really good price and bits of broken clay pipes that had been in the tamk way before i bought the zebs
the tank has three large jebo filters on it two joined to one large spray bar across the back of the tank and one on the side all about 3 inches above the water
oh and i didnt say that the tank is not a normal tank the only part of the tank that is glass is the front the rest of the tank is made of marine ply and lined with a proof coat and plastic internal liner an odd combination but i got it cheap and i actually really like it.
every week my tank cleaning procedure has been and has never changed and that is take a quarter of the water out and refill it with cold tap water clean the front of the glass and thats it.
i dont know if its just me but everytime i find eggs or young zebs i also have an outbreak of snails and i have become convinced that the adult zebs either eat the snails or the snails eggs and somehow the snails have something to do with it or maybe they like the same water conditions.
as its a planted tank the snails have always been there and i actually have 2 small clown loaches in there to keep the snails down and as they reach the 8cm mark i catch them and put them in my display tank and get another 2 smaller ones
i also have 2 breeding pairs of discus in the tank and i keep the ph at 6.5 as that seems to keep the discus in breeding mode but they had bred with no discus in the tank and no ph monitoring
in the 3 years that i have had them in this tank i have only gravel syphoned the tank twice but the jebo filters are cleaned every three months and the only filtration i use in them in hydroton clay balls from my hydro shop and have only ever reused the same ones
at somewhere between the 18 month and 2 year mark my wife walked back from feeding them one day and asked me where i got the small zebras from i said i didnt and what was she talking about and then we went and looked and there were 12-14 young ones behind a piece of clay pipe
the tank temp is 26 and the first few times they bred is was very sporadic but its now becoming a regular 12 week thing winter or summer and no fighting at all with the males but as i mentioned earlier lots of hiding spots
as i am writing this i have been talking to a mate and we have decided that on sunday we are going to do a proper clean out and count and i,m going to take photos of the fish and post on here .
i have pics from january and was going to post but i cant see how and have no http link

so hope that helps

and to all the people that replied so quickly i have been a bit suprised and rather than send you all individual pics if you can all hold off until late sunday after noon i will take a heap with a ruler as comparison



New Member
Dec 27, 2011
hey bream
it was you and they are still holding up well and the zebs really like them
sorry for thinking you were a young guy but just had it in my head you were
i still remember how impressed i was with the work you did,how quickly you both replied and sent the items everytime
i kept buying them as they were great



Dec 7, 2011
port macquarie
Hi mate. Very interested in the zebs, could I get a price on just the two breeding pairs and then a price on buying the pairs and all the fry off you. You can msg me on 0415267859. Cheers dave