L097 vs L282 confirmation?


Apr 27, 2009
In December 2011 I imported 4 fish from Columbia listed as Psuedacanthicus Sp. L282 it is well known that L282 is a very rare fish in the hobby and internet research has thrown up very little confirmation of what it really looks like.

So I have 4 of these fish approx 3-4" and was begining to think they are really L097.

About 2 weeks ago I bought a beautiful specimen Psuedacanthicus Sp. L282 (that has been in a private collection for about 5-6yrs) I have put it in with the other 4 in a hope to see a clear differance between.

Tonight I have had the privilige of catching a good look at both of them and I can see 1 very noticable differance

4 of them have a fork tail (like an L24/25etc...) and the other one has a very clean cornered tail.

But which one is which?


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
there is a massive dispute about these fish also in the German Forums.
I also have 4 L282/097 and all site have confirmed to me that the L282 is not in the hobby. The best bet at this stage is for you to take photos from top and side on of your two distinct differences. The main reason given by alot of sites that the L282 is not in the hobby, is that they presume the fish is caught in Brasil and summugeld them through columbia. Mine are now 10-12cm and have stunning lyre tails



They have been ID by the german forums as L097

But post some pics and we can see.
cheers jk :thumbup:


Apr 27, 2009
Four of mine look just like this, on the shipment I also received L260 which is from the Tapajos same as L097. But my larger fish is jet black with pure white spots (like a baby Adonis) and the tail is definately different.

I have 1 decent picture of the smaller fish and I have a tail shot of the bigger one. They are in a 350ltr rock scape tank so getting them out is a challenge.


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
ok not being the expert, but if yours look like mine, then as per my info I got, i have L097s. There might be colour variations but a photo is unfortunately the only clear way for this. I also sent my photos to Lko and even Ingo Seidel stated they are L097s. So I will have to go with that. But we need a photo.
Sorry cheers jk :thumbup:
PS Apart from that, they are stunning fish. I have mine at work in a 5ft tank and I see them regularly and hope to get them breeding soon, but that alone is another task