L135 Breed - HEYA


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Well Guys & Girls

My L135 breed, yes i'll say it again my L135 breed, i was worried at first they wernt pairing up .

It breed 2 days ago, i was going to take photos of the male with eggs just to prove it - but didnt

So i noticed him kicking slowly some eggs out today, a fair few eggs and he still has some with him, and since this is most likely his first batch, im thinking i'll loose them so i grabbed my camera .

It was hard to take a photo of the batch as his body covered them all, was trying to get him to move so i'll snap the batch, but one slipped past him when i blew a little air in there trying to make him move, i know stupid idea, but had to for photos or you wont see anything as his size is massive for the cave.

Eggs are pretty large compared to my L066 eggs & L270 and look more yellowish (maybe a good sign?)

Here is photos, female is just outside the cave male is in - since they breed female is hanging out alot on the side of his cave, i have a feeling she is eating the eggs he is kicking out :eek:

They are about 12-13cm each, and the d-cave is a oversized style d-cave not the normal/standard style d-caves

This is the size of the bigger d-cave i used compared to standard, and perfect for him, as the smaller one - i think if he goes in that i think ill have to break the cave to get him out.

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UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
well done.
as a first brood they may well have some infertile eggs.
I would try and disturb the male as little as possible as any upset will make him eat eggs or kick them out.


Feb 19, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Well done, first in australia, and probably one of the few spawns in the world. What did you do? Had a chat to a fella only yesterday about these guys and he said they are very very hard to breed, even though they are a peckoltia.

To be honest if i were you i'd probably take the eggs and hatch them artificially in a tumbler. If he wasn't kicking the eggs out it'd be alright to leave them with him but i don't think many will hatch if he keeps doing it.


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Well done, first in australia, and probably one of the few spawns in the world. What did you do? Had a chat to a fella only yesterday about these guys and he said they are very very hard to breed, even though they are a peckoltia.

To be honest if i were you i'd probably take the eggs and hatch them artificially in a tumbler. If he wasn't kicking the eggs out it'd be alright to leave them with him but i don't think many will hatch if he keeps doing it.


i would use a tumbler and try to get all the eggs out but, about 2yrs maybe ? i had the same trouble with my L270, i lost 6 batches trying to use a tumbler and never got passed the 3rd day cause they all had fungus, and listening to everyone made it worse and i got so anrgy - lol - so i didnt listen to anyone and did it how i think and the 7th batch i had L270 fry..

Tumblers maybe works for other but not for me, and i was doing everything right :( dunno why i never hatched eggs.

Yes i heard they are very hard in breeding - i had 3 about 5yrs ago for nearly 3yrs and nothing, but as soon as i sold them in W.A., i felt sad and brought others took a while but i just liked them, i wasnt expecting them to breed just liked seeing them

What i did was same like what i do to all my tanks, 5 days outta 7 days water changes 10% water changes and on the 5th day 30% and sat&sun no water change, unless its very dirty which hardly happens

Feeding them daily, try not to rearrange anything, i hardy did

Temp : 25
Ph : 7

dunno what else i can tell you ?


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Sadly No Eggs :(

Noticed him in a different cave and flashed a torch in the original cave he was in and nothing :(

So hopefully the next one do alright - but know once i see eggs will cover the tank so no light gets in and leave them alone .