L201 or contradens?


New Member
Mar 20, 2014
Virginia Beach, Va, USA
I picked up two small plecos at my LFS Monday that were listed as inspector. They don't have the black edging, so I was trying to figure out if they were L201 or contradens.

They are surprisingly active, zooming around their new tank even during the day! I am definitely smitten with the little guys so far.

Thank you so much in advance! I tried to ask my fish group, which leans more towards cichlids, and got into an argument with a breeder about whether or not L102, L201, and contradens should all just be called snowballs because they are the same fish. I was a little disheartened, and was hoping that maybe a more specialized group would be able to help, plus understand why I want to know exactly what fish I have.


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
hello and congrats on your purchase. I still think they are too small at this stage to judge. Do they have any caves where they can hide or driftwood ? How big is your tank, what are your water qualities, what do you feed, how many of these do you have, what size are they ? The more info the better. It maybe also deceptive, but from the last photo looks like a snub nose ( IE Nose pushed in ) I am tending towards contradens. Def not a 102, but slight poss L201. Give us more info and maybe even more photos from top and side cheers jk :thumbup:


New Member
Mar 20, 2014
Virginia Beach, Va, USA
Thanks! Currently they are in my hospital/quarantine tank which is a 20. They have the rock in the pictures which has a lifted space at the base, and PVC caves for hides. Water is at 80F, with 0/0/5 and pH is 7.4. I have a variety of frozen carnivore cubes that I offer different selections of each night, and small omnivore sinking pellets. Once I've had them for a week or two, I plan to start offering fresh veggies.

Snubnose wouldn't matter, I have no intentions of breeding. I'll see if my husband can get more pics tonight.