L260 Group Sex??

May 24, 2010
Gold Coast
Hi Guys,

I have a few L260’s that I’d love to get your opinions on sex. There has been a little bit of trapping in the last 3-4 months resulting in 2 deaths. Most like females as they were the smallest/plump little things.

These guys are getting on to about 2.5 years old and 7-8cm maybe as large as 9cm. The 4 are the same age in this group. Sorry for the bad pictures, had to take them off a phone. Hopefully they are good enough for you to have a stab at the sex. There is one close up vent shot of each fish.

Any comments welcome.





Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
Thinking 2m/2f. Take the smallest male and the female with the yellow vent and see how they go together in a small tank.
From my experience the males would rather fight each other than breed with females even though the ladies are hanging right near the cave entrance.

I had 2m/2f all mature. Females hanging about main males cave.
All the two males wanted to do was visit each other along a 4ft tank and eventually one was killed.
Now the male left wants to bash the females but hehehe they got sick of that and gave him a good hiding back. He now has a little respect for the ladies. :lol:


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 15, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
you've discovered the reason why there isnt heaps of 260's about....

they fight like crazy till the pecking order is established and even then males quite often kill females in their first breeding attempt.... if the girl makes it through the first time you you should be right....

i think theres only 1 girl among 3 boys... but not easy off your pics....

i gotta pull my finger out and split my colony of 20 up into smaller colonies... i only occasionally get fry at the moment and usually only a couple... suspect too much competition at night... and males interferring with each others brood...

i'll have some extra males to flick... got too older ones i def want to remove....
May 24, 2010
Gold Coast
mmm I hope you are right Brenda, it would be nice to have 2 females but I could be leaning towards Johnno here and think I might only have 1 girl. There is also one older male that wasn't in these pictures. I'm going to remove him also as he could be a bit of a trouble maker.


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 15, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
i find the bigger males nibble down the fry numbers in the cave... :(
smaller males are prob better option.....

but i always chose the best looking male to start with....