L322 Lasiancistrus saetiger


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
All assigned numbers: L322

Name: Lasiancistrus saetiger

Common Names: L322

Location: South America: Rio Guamá (Ourém), Pará, Brazil.



Like most Loricarids the L322 is peaceful against non-bottom dwelling fish, but competitors can be approached with certain hostility, especially under crowded conditions or during feeding time. Crucial when keeping this fish with other bottom dwellers (from the same or other species) is the availability of a sufficient number of hiding places, so all fish can establish a small territory.

Sexing and Breeding:

Omnivore with a preference for vegetable matter: suitable food items include vegetables (cucumber, zucchini, egg plant, peas, lettuce, preboiled spinach), algae wafers, spirulina tablets, mosquito larvae, blood worms, tubifex and krill.
Other than that, this fish often feeds on the organic matter that forms on submerged surfaces (plants, rocks, wood, aquarium walls) by rasping it off with its suckermouth. It will also take food remains left behind by tank mates, as well as soft wood.

Water parameters:
Temp 22-30c PH 5.5-7.5This small catfish-species prefers a dimly lit tank with a good number of hiding places, either created with plants, drift wood, rocks or artificial (pleco spawning) caves. To keep more than one specimen in the same tank, or together with other bottom dwelling fish, you need at least a 40x16" (100x40cm.) tank: this fish can be quite territorial, and when suitable hiding places are lacking, it can be aggressive towards other bottom dwellers. When kept as only catfish in an aquarium, a tank size of 32x14" (80x35cm.) is sufficient.
Typical for South American catfish, this species does best in soft, slightly acidic to neutral water, good oxygenation and a good amount of currents. It can however adapt to harder, more akaline water, but wheter it will reproduce under such conditions is questionable.

Max Size:
No more than 15cm. (6").

Bred by:

Additional Comments:

This species was offered under the name Lasiancistrus scolymus for a long period of time, until it was established that this Loricarid was in fact a seperate species, and was issued an L-Number of its own. In 2005 this fish was finally scientifically descibed by Catfish researcher J.W. Armbruster, and classified as Lasiancistrus saetiger.

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