Here is a link which explains the bags but I do not buy them from that particular supplier.
I should add,
do not float these bags to acclimatise as the fish will suffocate. Drip method into a bucket is a better idea.
I haven't looked in the second tank and checked sizes yet but I will and get back to everyone in the next few days.
In the mean time I have done up a bit of a care list on keeping L397.
I find for the little fellas ph7 or below is better. Adults can take up in the 7.2 ph range but not the juvies. One buyer got my juvies and popped them from 6.5 straight up into the 7.2 or more and they didn't live 24hours even. Suffice to say, water like you would put discus in is better.
Temp is 26 to 28 and can even be say 30C when you first get them just as good insurance that whitespot ich has no chance of appearing in stressed fish.
If you are setting up a tank special, make sure its cycled with other fish or something first as I can't guarantee these juvis would like going thru and ammonia, nitrite cycle and even in older tanks I wouldn't let the nitrates get to more than 10 or so.
These are panaques are wood eaters so you need driftwood in your tank. I usually buy one of those anubias on dw from the lfs as they seem to like that softer soaked sorta wood and you don't have to spend ages getting it to sink like dry woods.
Food wise, the most nutritious food I feed is a Hikari algae wafer. Being wood eaters they really can't tolerate more meatier foods at all especially as little fellas. Adults can as a bit of a treat but not juvies.
I feed wood which they gnaw off themselves even in a fry saver, hikari algae wafer (one goes a long way and 4 juvies at 4cm would find that plenty. I also feed Sera flora vegetable flake (safe as houses and never killed a fish with that stuff even if overfed), and Cucumber every second or third day. I was feeding cuke every day but i found they were only eating that and got too lazy on woodeating then.
They like good water movement in the tank which you can provide with a bit of a powerhead. They don't have sucker type mouths for nothing but if you hit too high a current you find the food gets blown off and sucked up into the filters a bit fast so a happy medium is required.
Keep an eye out on forum for pics from Mooo. The 4 L397 she has are from me and somehow I think she has trained them to some out and pose for photos. Most of mine are only out after lights off unless I 'spring' em by turning the lights on suddenly, then they are everywhere in the tank lol.
You can keep them in gravel bottom, bare bottom or sand tanks but I found the bare bottom did build up a film on the glass which wasn't much good for juvies. I have undergravel air filters in my tanks which makes the gravel itself the actual filtration media. This means I have really stock up the tank with quite a number of fish over time and the filtration can cope.
I also as well as that and a powerfilter internal, have a canister filter which tends to help suck up the bits of chewed sawdust the L397 can poop out. I don't have to gravel vac near as much then and only do it seriously every couple of weeks or so.
Hope this helps.
Cheers Brenda.