This is my L066 colony which I have had and bred for over 2 years now, they are still great breeders but I am now looking for something a little harder to breed.
Type of fish/goods:-
Full Grown Adults
Sex(if known):-
Best to have a look at the photos and determine for yourself, I think the ratio is around 50/50.
I have bred and sold hundreds of babies in the time they were with me and can guarantee that whoever takes this colony will do the same thing, I actually just took a batch of babies from them last week.
Qty available:-
12 Adults
$5000 for the whole colony
I am open to trades so will be interested in other L's
Postage/shipping available?:-
Free shipping to any major airport
PM me and I will give you my contact number
Some photos of them when they were growing up
Type of fish/goods:-
Full Grown Adults
Sex(if known):-
Best to have a look at the photos and determine for yourself, I think the ratio is around 50/50.
I have bred and sold hundreds of babies in the time they were with me and can guarantee that whoever takes this colony will do the same thing, I actually just took a batch of babies from them last week.
Qty available:-
12 Adults
$5000 for the whole colony
I am open to trades so will be interested in other L's
Postage/shipping available?:-
Free shipping to any major airport
PM me and I will give you my contact number
Some photos of them when they were growing up