I had three of these one of which was a very hairy male but he was forever fighting and racing around the tank, although he did cave.
He died the other day and I think he'd been naughty and eaten the more meatier corydoras food instead of his own.
Now I am left with two which I thought were two girls but looking at the noses in the photos, they look quite different.
Neither one seems to cave and the slimmer one doesn't really have the hairy butt the old male had. Perhaps if its a he, he need more time to get over the tryanny of the old dead male?
Whaddya think? Do I have a pair?
He died the other day and I think he'd been naughty and eaten the more meatier corydoras food instead of his own.
Now I am left with two which I thought were two girls but looking at the noses in the photos, they look quite different.
Neither one seems to cave and the slimmer one doesn't really have the hairy butt the old male had. Perhaps if its a he, he need more time to get over the tryanny of the old dead male?
Whaddya think? Do I have a pair?