For sale/wtb? Leopard Frog Peckoltia Compta
I have now selected the fish from my two groups of Leopard Frog Peckoltia Compta & I am selling the rest
Type of fish/goods:- Leopard Frog Peckoltia Compta
Size:- various
Sex(if known):- Not a chance
Qty available:- 4 juveniles & 8 Sub Adults
Price:- Juveniles £15; each Sub Adults £20: each
Postage/shipping available?:- At buyers expense and risk
Location(if pick up only)?:- South Bristol
Photos:- PM me
I have now selected the fish from my two groups of Leopard Frog Peckoltia Compta & I am selling the rest
Type of fish/goods:- Leopard Frog Peckoltia Compta
Size:- various
Sex(if known):- Not a chance
Qty available:- 4 juveniles & 8 Sub Adults
Price:- Juveniles £15; each Sub Adults £20: each
Postage/shipping available?:- At buyers expense and risk
Location(if pick up only)?:- South Bristol
Photos:- PM me