med question please help


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
need to treat for internal parasites. Came across 2 different meds, Seachem's PolyGuard -treats water colum every 3 days. The other is called Paracide X ,which must be put into food, freeze,then drop in tank. The tech support person for ParacideX said the ONLY way to treat IP's is by giving it in food, not the water colum, not sure how I would get this powder into the flake food for the small tetras. Does anyone know if this is really the ONLY way to treat ,or can it be done in the water ? Anyone had any experience with either of these meds ? Appreciate any responses ,need to choose one and begin treatment asap. Thanks.


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
hi Darrel, thanks for responding. I had to begin a treatment quickly, so I decided on Paracide X. Must be put in food, which has been challenging, and the flakes had to dry overnight for the dither fish, noticed the spit it out. They had been eating happily before the meds but will contiunue with this since I already began. The plecs love the mashed peas with the med, and I soaked their zucchini in it last night , they ate everything.

The main ingredients are magnesium and daim....? cant recall what she said on the phone.. but the tech support chick stressed the only way to rid IP's is by mixing with food. I cant see any parasites hanging out of them, only the clear poo segments, so not sure what kind of parasites . This med says it rids ALL IP's , so i figured that was the best way to go.

Thanks again for responding. this is stressful to deal with.