So I finally started to set up my tank. Got the silica sand for substrate, cleaned big rocks, and put the background in. Filled up and checked the PH about 12 hours later and it went from 6.4 to 7.6! I knew it wasn't the big rocks because I did the "vinegar test" and soaked them in a bucket for a week and no PH change. I retested the rocks I used for the background and sure enough I heard a fizz! BUMMER! So all that work went down the drain. I did a 90% WC and took the background out. Refilled and started the cycle all over:wb::wb::wb:
I'm going to make another one, but for now I'm using some black poster board...
Lesson: triple check rocks for your tank
I'm going to make another one, but for now I'm using some black poster board...
Lesson: triple check rocks for your tank