a pic would help? it sounds like pop-eye but. ant be positive a pic would help!
Pop eye is a condition, not a specific disease, and it has number of different causes. Possible causes include internal bacterial infections , damage to the eye, and a environmental probelms. Your plec may be immune to a fungal infection because its in a weak state. have you done a test for your water parametres?*ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate and make sure they are at whats adequate for your plec aswe as cichlids. i would put him in a quarantine tank.*or it could be poor water quality how long has the tabk been established?It can also come about by a carbon dioxide level in thr water If the carbon dioxide is released as bubbles the fish can swallow them, and this can cause pop eye.
Almost any damage to the eye can cause pop eye. Common causes of damage are other aggressive fish and sharp aquarium decors. if it is popeye the eye may protrude from its eye socket and look cloudy.
If only one eye is infected(best case scenario), it is usually caused by an injury.Pop eye caused by bacterial infection or environmental issues usually affects both eyes.
If pop eye on both eyes is followed by a fungal infection, it is usually bacterial pop eye.
If pop eye on both eyes is not followed by a fungal infection, the pop eye is usually caused by environmental issues.*like i said before you can never be 100% sure and what is written above should only be seen as a way to increase the likelihood of determining the cause of the pop eye, not a way of determining it.*Pop eye caused by damage can often heal by itself if given really good conditions. Move to a q tank and make sure to keep perfect water quality in the tank. *i have used a tablespoon of Epson salt for every 5 gallon of water in my tank this just helps a bit more

!Pop eye caused by environmental factors can often be dealt with in a similar fashion. It is very important to improve water quality and other environmental issues to avoid more fish getting sick. Fish will never get well if you don't improve the environment!!
Bacterial pop eye can be hard to treat as it is an internal infection and internal infections are always harder to treat than external since it is harder to get the meds to the place where they are needed. Treat bacterial pop eye with a broad spectrum antibiotic. That is usually effective if the infection hasn't progressed too far already. A fish given antibiotics can recover even from severe cases, but the more severe the case is the harder it will be to successfully treat it