My tank is FREAKING me out!


Jun 23, 2011
New Jersey
I have a 75g tank in my home office. For the last 2 weeks or so, it sounds like the tank is settling. I don't know how to describe it other than you hear it make a noise like a creak or something. I don't recall it doing that before and even my husband noticed it. I'm really worried that the tank is going to collapse or something. I've had it set up for 3 years on a store bought aquarium stand designed for a 75g aquarium. The tank itself is an Aqueon. I don't see anything wrong with it, it's not leaking or anything. When you walk past it, it creaks a bit louder. I'm thinking of removing the light fixture because I can't tell if its the light fixture thats creaking or if it's the tank/stand. If this thing goes, my husband is going to throw me and the tank out the door :cry:


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
Well I hope you husband will not throw you out so try the following
1. if the tank is on a cupboard stand , open the door and see if you cannot maybe strengthen the inside with additional wood , just to make it safer.
2. Light fitting do expand with heat and cool down after lights off, so maybe that might be the cause.
3. I do not like the sound of cracking itself, so really check out the stand
4. I presume you do not have wooden floor boards under the carpet, otherwise i would check your flooring, tanks do weigh a lot and some people underestimate this.
hope this helps cheers jk :thumbup:


Jun 23, 2011
New Jersey
So I took the light fixtures off my tank for a few hours today (I have 3 separate fluorescent fixtures) and the creaking completely stopped. I also took a level and checked the stand and tank. The stand is perfectly level left to right and front to back. I put the level on the top of the tank and the tank is level left to right but it's tilted a tiny bit towards the front (back is higher). I also went into the basement and checked the joists/flooring and everything looked great. So I feel a bit better knowing that the creaking stopped when I took the light fixtures off...I don't want to be homeless.

Zebra Pleco

Retired Staff
Nov 18, 2010
Gardenstown, NE Scotland
Just to be safe. I would put the tank on a thin piece of polystyrene, this helps to take out any "uneveness" or vibrations in the room.

My kids are very heavy footed, and before I put polystyrene under my tanks, everytime they came into the room, my fish would dart into cover etc. Now with a thin layer, everything seems fine now, no more scaring.


Jun 23, 2011
New Jersey
We started noticing the sound a few weeks ago. Then recently, someone told me that their tank cracked during the middle of the night and all of the water flooded out. So when I heard that, I wondered if the creaking was a sign that the tank was going to go.

Yes, the heavy footed individuals causes it to creak more than normal and BB has a point about the housing units for the lights expand and contract. They seem to rub against each other. The only way for me to get some polystyrene under the tank is to completely empty it out so that we can lift it. At that point, I might as well upgrade from 75g to 125g :D