Took some quick snaps of my tanks, enjoy.
6x18x18 - PNG Rainbows, rams, guppies, brochis, pepps
6x18x18 - PNG Rainbows, common BN and brochis
4x18x18- L127's, aldofi corys, shrimp and some speacail L's coming soon
3x18x18 - Bolivan Butteriflies, brochis, glass catfish, tetras, L397's
AR380 CRS Shrimp tank
6x18x18 - PNG Rainbows, rams, guppies, brochis, pepps
6x18x18 - PNG Rainbows, common BN and brochis
4x18x18- L127's, aldofi corys, shrimp and some speacail L's coming soon
3x18x18 - Bolivan Butteriflies, brochis, glass catfish, tetras, L397's
AR380 CRS Shrimp tank