Hi all
so i am not too sure what is going on with my babys atm. I have noticed that my ammona was spiking, then the next day i noticed a number of ple plecos fly where bloated and i also think i may have picked up some with spot
So guess my question is, can white spot cause bloating? And if not how can i save my babys befor they exsploade.
I went down to mu local fish exsperts and they believe that i might have some sort of bad bactria in my tank witch is causeing my plecos to bloat. So i started a course of Myxazin. I am currently on day 2 of this but still have seen little inprovment in my fish as of yet. Althought the ammona in the tank has stoped spikeing.
After i have finished with the course of Myxazin i will then treatfor with spot to be on the safe side. But i know i still have to wait 4 days after the Myxazin is complete
And yes i have been doing water changers every day of about 15 to 20 %
Let me know if you guys think i am on the write track
so i am not too sure what is going on with my babys atm. I have noticed that my ammona was spiking, then the next day i noticed a number of ple plecos fly where bloated and i also think i may have picked up some with spot
So guess my question is, can white spot cause bloating? And if not how can i save my babys befor they exsploade.
I went down to mu local fish exsperts and they believe that i might have some sort of bad bactria in my tank witch is causeing my plecos to bloat. So i started a course of Myxazin. I am currently on day 2 of this but still have seen little inprovment in my fish as of yet. Althought the ammona in the tank has stoped spikeing.
After i have finished with the course of Myxazin i will then treatfor with spot to be on the safe side. But i know i still have to wait 4 days after the Myxazin is complete
And yes i have been doing water changers every day of about 15 to 20 %
Let me know if you guys think i am on the write track