Hiya everyone,
How are you all? Hope your all ok
Well, today, I noticed a white ring around my Plec's eye. I haven't noticed this before.
I did do some investigating myself but nothing much comes up except for very severe cases of Plec's eyes going completely white, which doesn't fit my query.
I did come across a post from Yahoo Answers that mentioned that there is a species of Pleco called a Trinidad Pleco which has a white ring around their eye. When I checked out the images they look just like a Common Pleco.
I really need some advice. Is this normal? Could he have a bacterial infection or a fungus?
He seems ok overall. He's swimming around. Hiding. Eating. Being his usual self.
Here are some closes up of his eye I took today.
Here are some pics I took around June/July this year:
How are you all? Hope your all ok
Well, today, I noticed a white ring around my Plec's eye. I haven't noticed this before.
I did do some investigating myself but nothing much comes up except for very severe cases of Plec's eyes going completely white, which doesn't fit my query.
I did come across a post from Yahoo Answers that mentioned that there is a species of Pleco called a Trinidad Pleco which has a white ring around their eye. When I checked out the images they look just like a Common Pleco.
I really need some advice. Is this normal? Could he have a bacterial infection or a fungus?
He seems ok overall. He's swimming around. Hiding. Eating. Being his usual self.
Here are some closes up of his eye I took today.
Here are some pics I took around June/July this year: