Need confirmation on type


New Member
Nov 29, 2012
Painesville, OH
Hello all-I'm new here to the forum and hoping for a little help identifying my fish. I recently inherited a ten gallon aquarium when a neighbor of mine moved away and left their tank behind. By the time it was found the fish had not been fed for at least 5 days and it looked like it had not been cleaned in weeks not to mention the fact that it was only about half full. Amazingly all five of the occupants survived. I have been doing some research and I'm pretty sure I need to find one of them a new home. There is a 6-7 inch long plec in the tank and I am almost positive it is a common which, I have learned, had no business being put in a tank that small to begin with. I have attached the best photos I could manage to take. I could not get one with its fin up but hopefully I captured enough info for all of you experts to let me know if I'm right or not. I know someone with a big tank (125 G I believe) who will take it but I kinda like it and don't want to say goodbye if I don't have to. Also-I have found someone near me who breeds red calicos and I'd like to know if they are ok for a ten gallon and if so-just one or is two ok? Thanks in advance for all of your help and if you need any more info please ask me and I will do what I can to answer.



Nov 5, 2011
Good score but sadly you will need a bigger tank if you wish to keep the pleco. He will definately become very uncomfortable in there as he grows...and grows, and grows....