Need help sexing 7xL397


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
ok for me even with my glasses, they are hard to sex as the pics are not sharp enough. Ideally take individual shots from side and above in focus and then share. It is a lott of hassle,however are you have them out of the tank anyway a few more minutes will not harm them to get these shots. One must also be wary that if you have more males, then they will concentrate more on territory, instead of breeding. They however look in very good shape and markings. cheers jk :thumbup:


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
Thank you
I have more pics that I took before I put them in the tank
Thank you for the advice regarding males we can get back to it once we have correctly confirmed sex ratio
Maybe these can help?

F9FA7077-F038-4F6F-961B-9A4E27A19746.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]"]

2A2C72D4-BD16-4C1C-BAAF-EB4FF089538B.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]"]http://[ame=""]2A2C72D4-BD16-4C1C-BAAF-EB4FF089538B.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]

03F638F7-78AA-496D-8965-B2CE18CE61CC.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]"]http://[ame=""]03F638F7-78AA-496D-8965-B2CE18CE61CC.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]

B70FE3EB-AE28-47DA-85D8-F8275D006B89.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]"]http://[ame=""]B70FE3EB-AE28-47DA-85D8-F8275D006B89.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]

25B3018A-F8C5-412D-AB9C-2882BEFAD3F9.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]"]http://[ame=""]25B3018A-F8C5-412D-AB9C-2882BEFAD3F9.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]

A9E22B9E-80C2-4479-88E9-DF17AFCD692D.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]"]http://[ame=""]A9E22B9E-80C2-4479-88E9-DF17AFCD692D.jpg Photo by Fotisfishlist | Photobucket[/ame]

I have some other pics but cant upload them yet I will try again if these pics aren't helpful