I’m at a loss what to do , would anybody have any idea what this could be ? I was told it’s a gram negative bacteria and need anti biotics , I used tetra cycline for almost a week and they just seem to be getting worse , already lost my 8x134 , 3x201 and about 8 peppermints 
I have a vet coming but she wants a few days to research before she can even make a house visit which will probably be to late for a few more
After today’s water change I’ve stopped the tetra cycline and used bactonex (aminacrine hydrochloride and meth blue) or should I try anti fungal ?
Where would you find a specialist vet that will treat fish in Australia ?? Or even help for that matter , every vet I’ve spoken to just try to get there way out of even looking let alone doing a gram stain test and I really don’t want another ugly incident.. lol
and thank you !
I have a vet coming but she wants a few days to research before she can even make a house visit which will probably be to late for a few more
Where would you find a specialist vet that will treat fish in Australia ?? Or even help for that matter , every vet I’ve spoken to just try to get there way out of even looking let alone doing a gram stain test and I really don’t want another ugly incident.. lol
and thank you !