New guy here


New Member
Jun 2, 2015
Tucson, AZ
Hi Everyone. I wonder if there are any members here in the Tucson, AZ area in the good ol US of A? I've been a sal****er guy keeping everything from community to predators to reefs. That was a long time ago a lot has changed in the husbandry of these.

My current passion is the cichlids of the African rift lakes. I have a 75 gallon Malawi set up (though I do have a Frontosa in there). I have always loved plecos and want to learn more about the various species etc. I have a medium (8" or so) Vampire pleco (don't know the L# yet....Maybe someone could shed some light on that for me) in my tank and a common variety pleco.

I've always been interested in the south and central American cichlids but just haven't had room for a tank large enough. I really dig the living fossil types too that you don't see around here much like gars and bichirs.

Anyway that's me and I hope I can get plugged in and learn a lot here. Let me know if you have any questions or want to know more about me (or my fish :)