New Member with a big problem


New Member
Feb 2, 2014
Hello everyone!

Last week, I acquired a used 58 gallon Oceanic tank with a breeding colony of ABN plecos and 3 L-184 plecos. When I picked up the tank, I noticed that the Rena XP3 that was attached to the tank was not running, and the entire tank was being filtered by a marineland 350 with no bio media containers - only the wheels and 1 carbon pad in each side. The seller assurred me that the XP3 worked, and that it could not have been down for more than a few days. There were several people helping with the move, and I did not notice the HOB filter had been packed dry until it was too late. I should have checked water parameters at the seller's house, but I didn't. When I got the tank home, I got the XP3 running, and I pulled an established aquaclear 110 from one of my other tanks. The tank still suffered from an ammonia spike. I quickly rehomed all of the ABN plecos, and I added zeolite to the filter. Within 24 hours, ammonia and nitrites were back to zero, but nitrates are still between 40-60. I have been doing 25% water changes every 3 days. Now for the big problem - all 3 L-184s are displaying signs of disease. Can someone please help me ID the cause and suggest a proper course of treatment? These lesions have been present since I acquired the tank - but i did not notice the issues until i got the fish home. (We were breaking down 2 tanks, a 120g and this one, and the whole day was very chaotic.) At first, I thought they were wounds from fighting and/or transport, but now I'm not so sure. None of the ABNs displayed any symptoms.

[ame=""]B5D3D7A5-22E8-489E-8D2B-49970717B64C.jpg Photo by audreyaronoff | Photobucket[/ame]

[ame=""]FCC2ABEF-ABED-4CE1-BB64-C621069B65CA.jpg Photo by audreyaronoff | Photobucket[/ame]


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
Doesn't look good. I think what you've done so far is right, and you need to keep up the water changes. If you have a source of good clean water (RO?) it would help to change some more water. I'd probably be looking at at least 20% a day.
A long with this I'd try and keep the water as oxygenated as possible as well. Have a look here: <>

For the infection Melafix may help, but you'll need something a bit stronger. I'm not an expert in what products are available in the USA to treat these kinds of bacterial infections, but you need a product to treat Columnaris, Aeromonas etc.

Seeing your plastic plant in the photo, in the longer term if you have access to some growing plants? they make water management a lot easier. I like floaters like Amazon Frogbit, if you have more nitrogen in your tank water they grow more quickly, and when you remove them, you remove the nitrogen.

cheers Darrel


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
:welcome: and sorry for your fish. Keep on doing what you are doing. I thik both pics show damage due to heater burn or even wedging to hard in a rock etc. They do not look like fighting wounds. good luckcheers jk :thumbup:


New Member
Feb 2, 2014
Thank you for the replies. All of the fish are doing fine now! I decided not to medicate and just kept the water clean. At this point, I do think I was seeing transportation related injuries.