hi all, my name is scott and i <3 pleco's :thumbup:
I keep 2 tanks at present. I have 5 Zebs in a lido 120 and numerous fish in a Juwel Trigon 190l. The zebs are 7-8 cm in length but i seem to have a heavy
male to female ratio :cry: i never bought these to breed, i bought them as a
challenge to keep. Having kept them for a number of months now, i would love
to now breed them. Looking to add a few females when i can get the right fish,
can't wait :yes: My other tank has a medium sized blue diamond discus, 4 bolivian rams, various rainbow fish and cardinal,penguin and emperor tetra's.
On the floor, i have a few sterbai corydoras and the following L no's
L134 leopard frog pleco adult
L204 flash pleco juvenile
L128 blue phantom pleco adult
L200 green phantom pleco adult
L014 sunshine pleco sub adult 5''
L018 gold nugget pleco sub adult 4''
well that's me for now :woohoo: i hate intro's
I keep 2 tanks at present. I have 5 Zebs in a lido 120 and numerous fish in a Juwel Trigon 190l. The zebs are 7-8 cm in length but i seem to have a heavy
male to female ratio :cry: i never bought these to breed, i bought them as a
challenge to keep. Having kept them for a number of months now, i would love
to now breed them. Looking to add a few females when i can get the right fish,
can't wait :yes: My other tank has a medium sized blue diamond discus, 4 bolivian rams, various rainbow fish and cardinal,penguin and emperor tetra's.
On the floor, i have a few sterbai corydoras and the following L no's
L134 leopard frog pleco adult
L204 flash pleco juvenile
L128 blue phantom pleco adult
L200 green phantom pleco adult
L014 sunshine pleco sub adult 5''
L018 gold nugget pleco sub adult 4''
well that's me for now :woohoo: i hate intro's