New peppermint cloudy eye


Sep 4, 2012
Belgrave, Melbourne
Hi All,
One week ago I bought a 9.5cm peppermint which looked to be in good health when I was shown her in a carpark deal. The fish was not showing any stress colouring while in the small styrofoam box, which surprised me a bit. Upon getting home and putting her into a 90L planted quarantine tank I noticed that both eyes were cloudy, with the bulk of the white colour around the edge of the eyes. The lens doesn't look as cloudy and the eyes are only slightly if at all protruding, however its eyesight I assume to be poor after some rough checks. So I immediately suspected poor water quality on the sellers behalf (including perhaps some industrial pollutants as the tank was in the office at a cabinet making workshop... volatile organics and formaldehyes etc would be in the air) or a microbial infection. It's been 1 week now and the cloudiness is only slightly better but the fishes eyesight has improved. It's eating well (zucchini, nutrafin algae tabs, HBH alqae wafers) and not showing any skin nor fin symtoms. My question is how long would you learned plecomaniacs leave cloudy eyes prior to intervention with medications? I am at the point of intervention.

I've been doing 25% water changes every second day with rain tank water and the parameters are
pH 6.8
GH 4
temp 26
zero ammonia and nitrite
nitrate less than 10

Tank set up:
Jebo 362 with 2mm gravel and UGF
Eheim 2212 aquaball running the top filter full of matrix, zeolite, expanded clay and some sand.
Big old driftwood with anubias, thin Val, swords, crypts and red lotus and some run of the mill pond snails

Because it's been a battle from day one I have grown particularly fond of her and very much want her to recover fully, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Paul


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
Cloudy eye is often caused by exposure to high sub lethal ammonia levels, and can be permanent.
It's been 1 week now and the cloudiness is only slightly better but the fishes eyesight has improved. It's eating well (zucchini, nutrafin algae tabs, HBH alqae wafers) and not showing any skin nor fin symtoms. My question is how long would you learned plecomaniacs leave cloudy eyes prior to intervention with medications? I am at the point of intervention.
If she is eating well and has good fins etc I wouldn't be too worried. I wouldn't treat it and I'd just keep an eye on her. Planted tanks tend to have better water parameters than non-planted ones, and clean water is a good cure for a lot of bacterial infections.

I think Plecs don't need to be able to see to find their food, but some-one who knows may be able to tell you more.

cheers Darrel


Sep 4, 2012
Belgrave, Melbourne
thanks darrel. I'll take your advice and not treat her.
I guess it may be permanent damage which makes me a bit annoyed at the seller for taking poor care and then selling the responsibility but I'm glad that I know she will be very well cared for in my tanks.