New racking setup

Dec 5, 2010
Gday everyone, i am hoping you guys can give me some help and ideas. I have just scored two 4ftx20inchx20inch tanks with built in sidedrop wet and dry sumps which i have built a 2tier rack for. This is my first real effort on breeding and i want to get the setup right before i put the fish in so i dont have to disturb them..
I am trying to decide what fish i can put into these tanks, i have pepps 2m3f, 202's 2m2f and 168's which i think is 2m1f. Now one issue i have is what fish to put in these tanks, can i split one tank into two and have my 202's in one section and my 168's in the other half? Or would i be better off having one type of fish in each tank ie: pepps in the bottom tank and my 202's in the top tank. Please keep in mind i am going to give breeding a try for the first time with these fish.. :drool::drool:
Now the next thing i want to ask is about my filtration, in the sump i am going to have roughly two kilos of bio noodles, 10l of aquaclay balls and two layers of fine sponge and one layer of course sponge. I will be using a otto 800lph internal pump to pump the water through the sump and ill also be using two xlarge sponge filters run by my big fishroom air pump. do you think this is enough filtration? Also i am wanting to know if anyone has used peat to help with the ph? I have got about 10l or sera super peat that i am thinking of also putting into the sump
I have heaps more questions to be honest but ill kick my post of with these so i dont overload haha
Thanks in advance people :clap::clap:
Cheers Mick
Dec 5, 2010
Thanks benno for ya reply. So you think splitting a 4ftx20x20 in half is enough to house a reverse trio of 168's and two pairs of 202's? Awesome!! I am thinking of putting another Otto power head in each for push the debris toasted the sump filters and also have a nice current flowing across the cave openings which I have read on here is a good idea.. I've also read on here to have two caves per l, is this just for the males or for the females for the 168's I have two males so should I put four caves in for them? I will have plenty of dw in the tanks covering the caves and also giving the females plenty of cover.. Anyone in Melbourne know of a good place to get foam sheets? Gonna line each tank with 10mm for insulation.. Cheers Mick