New to corydoras.


May 3, 2009
hi all.
i am not new to catfish however and have kept plecs for nearly 2 years.

My question is in what way do they differ? and would they be suitable for a community set up, if so what species?

i was looking at julii corys or what i have learned to be commonly mistaken for, and more than likely are, Corydoras trilineatus

i have recently moved out my plecs into their own tank, which as some of you may seen has turned out quite well.

Now i would like to concentrate on my "main" tank which will be planted and hoping to have as a peacfull community tank. so would these be suitable? are they as shy and difficult to feed as plecs? (hence the sp. tank)

My tank is a 120L currently stocking,
8 boesmani rainbows
1 L018
I plan to have a couple of gouramis not sure on sp. yet but deffinatley the smaller ones. possibly thick lipped/ pearl/ dwarf.
a couple of other nice community fish (suggestions?)
and possibly the relativley (emphasise relativley) peacefull Apistogramma borelli

what do you all think? all input is greatly appreciated and welcome.
regards charles.


Retired Staff
Apr 28, 2009
North Yorks
Certain Corys are perfect for a community Charles, i would however stick to the more common ones, C Sterbai, C Trilineatus, Bronze and Peppered. Some can leave you thinking that you are the worst fishkeeper of all time as they have specific needs. Some are blackwater lovers, some prefer cooler temperatures and dont tend to thrive. By all means try some of the more "demanding" ones but they should really have water to suit them.

The ones i mentioned above are mass produced and although that isnt always a good thing it does mean they do well in "our" water and they are cheap so a good sized shoal wont cost the earth as corys need to be in a shoal, the bigger the better. As for feeding they should be fed as a plec IE they shouldnt be put in a tank just as a clean up crew. The usual fayre should be enough, Tetra prima, flake. Hikari algae and sinking wafers are a favourite with mine. Frozen bloodworm and cyclops are relished too.

Hope this helps and keep us posted on what you get.