Hi all my name is Jeff. I live in Oshkosh Wisconsin USA. I breed mostly Tanganyikan cichlids but i have a few groups of Bristlenoe Plecos. Brown, Albino Long and short fin, Blue Eyed albino Long and short fin and Green Dragons. Some have spawned more times than I care to count. Recently i bought out a persons fish room with all the fish. In this group of fish were a L75 and 3 L114 adult breeders. They are gorgeous fish but i am not sure if i have enough room to keep them. I don't want them getting sick on me but they seen to be eating and getting along well at the moment. They are 2 at ten inches + and one at about 9 inches. So i might just set up another large tank and see if i can get them to breed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will try to post pics today some time. Hope to get lots of info from members here and will be talking soon.
I forgot to mention that I have been the president of the Green Bay Aquarium Society in Wisconsin for a couple of years and these new plecos are the talk of the club.
I forgot to mention that I have been the president of the Green Bay Aquarium Society in Wisconsin for a couple of years and these new plecos are the talk of the club.