

Feb 19, 2012

Although new to Ls, I've had various tanks of cichlids and Discus over the last 10 years. I currently have a 1 meter (approx. 220 liters) Mbuna tank.

About a month ago I thought one of my Labeotropheus OBs was holding, and since this is a fairly rare fish around me, I rushed out to buy a 60cm (approx 70 liter) isolation tank. It turned out to be a false alarm so I returned the Lab to the main tank and was left with the small tank. I thought of options and decided to try my hand at Ls.

So far I have: L128, L142, L177, L190, L200, L333 (ranging in size from 4-10cm)

I realize it's a small tank and that I will have to sell them eventually. But I do a 30% water change and gravel vacuum every week. Plus I like growing them out. I have 23 Mbunas in my main tank, which many will say is too many. But I like a full tank and I haven't lost a fish in over a year.

Now for my questions:
  1. How many fish can I safely keep in the tank?
  2. The tank (Juwel 700 with a 400 lph power head) has a built-in filter but is it enough? Should I add another one to move the water a little more?
  3. How often and how much should I feed? (My cichlids gobble the food before it has time to sink. Ls don't even notice and I've only seen my L333 three times in the last month.)

Any and all help is appreciated.


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
Hello and :welcome:,

Do you only have one of each L and are you keeping these in the 70 liter tank ? Also how large are they. If you are keeping your Africans with the Ls, then I would warn you Ls like and need different water conditions.

My responses to you

1. It depends on the size of the fish and also how aggressive they are. With Africans, they say put in more fish, as they share the aggression. For Ls if you wish to breed they say put 1M and 2F fully grown in a 3ft tank, so you needto let us know for what purpose you wish .

2. Ls produce a fair amount of waste and they do like some water movement. I would add another filter to this Jewel 700 to help with the cleaning and movement

3. In order to make sure your Ls get food, I would feed the pellets 1hour after lights out. Then the Ls can feed and the africans are asleep. Again I do not and would not keep Ls with Africans.

cheers jk :thumbup:


Feb 19, 2012
@bigbird: Thanks for the advice. I only have one of each because I am not at all interested in breeding - yet. Sizes are in my original post - from 4-10 cm.

I checked the profile of each type before buying and I don't think I have any Africans - all are S. American. Which L of mine is African?


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010

none of your Ls are African, but you are mixing them with African fish. African fish like hard water and Ls from the Amazon region like acidic water.
I would not mix African fish with South American fish.

cheers jk :thumbup:


Feb 19, 2012
@bigbird: Thanks but please check my original post.

I wrote:
  • I currently have a 1 meter (approx. 220 liters) Mbuna tank.
  • I rushed out to buy a 60cm (approx 70 liter) isolation tank. It turned out to be a false alarm so I returned the Lab to the main tank and was left with the small tank. I thought of options and decided to try my hand at Ls.

You see, I have the Mbuna in a 220 liter tank and the Ls in a 70 liter tank. I would never try to mix the two.