For sale/wtb? Wanted to buy
Type of fish/goods:- Peppermint bristlenose
Size:- fry min 3cm
Sex(if known):- na
Qty available:- 20-100 depends on price
Price:- let me know
Postage/shipping available?:- MUST be able to ship, can offer advice if you are not familiar with shipping fish.
Location(if pick up only)?:- Queensland
Photos:- Photos preferred via pm before purchase
Contact:- via PM Thankyou
Type of fish/goods:- Peppermint bristlenose
Size:- fry min 3cm
Sex(if known):- na
Qty available:- 20-100 depends on price
Price:- let me know
Postage/shipping available?:- MUST be able to ship, can offer advice if you are not familiar with shipping fish.
Location(if pick up only)?:- Queensland
Photos:- Photos preferred via pm before purchase
Contact:- via PM Thankyou