please help sex peppermint


Jan 14, 2011
berwick melbourne
good pic sean look like 1 bris has spit i'd say male but some 1 who nows better will tell yea Guys this young man i meet last week 14yr old who is a very nice bloke who has a lov for the hobby he got bad deal with his pepps got 9 and lost 6 another bloke who got from same bloke lost all his and it looks like the 3 he has are male not sure. If any 1 in melbourne could help him out with a female yea would make this kids (young bloke) year all the best with them mate will see yea in the weekend with yea whipps
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Male. The larger pic shows bristles up the snout. You need to take a side on pic of the head or you can tell by gently touching the snout. Rough is female, squishy is male.
This is around 90% on a fish this size another cm will show male growth.

The female also have growth around the lips so don't rule it out being female.

I have 2 pr of Peppermints a cm above yours and have tried the above method and agree it is a fair way of judging sex.

There's a few breeders close by that may read this and may be able to help you out.


Jul 14, 2009
Melbourne, AU
Its a male Sean. Might be hard to tell just yet by the bristles, but you can tell by the body shape. See how the body starts to taper in to the tale immediately after the pectoral fins. On females the body is usually broader and doesn't taper to the tail until around the middle of its belly.

Hopefully a couple of the pepps I gave you are girls, and your male will have a few girlfriends in a few months time.


Jan 27, 2012
How old is it. I've got females with very short bristles like the one in your pic. But the face is rounder. My males have a sharper/longer mouth. Guess it's hard to say exactly now without knowing the age but from the current pic I'd say its a male