For Sale Plecos: Zebra L046/L46 and L144 Lemon BN

Pleco PJS

May 7, 2010
Southampton, UK
For sale: L046 (revised £) and L144 :) - ALL F1, TANK BRED, PRE-BAN

Type of fish/goods:- Plecos

Sizes approx:- all 4-6cm

Sex(if known): L46 - too young, L144 - not sure - some starting bristles, but none between eyes yet :dk:

Qty available:- L46 - 6, L144 - 4

Price:- L46 - £950 whole group, ono - I've deceided to throw in 6 clay caves and 3 clay tubes, since they spend most of the day time hiding in/by them!
L144 - £20 for group

Postage/shipping available?:- No

Location (if pick up only):- Southampton

Colours: L46 - black/white, L144 - lemon (strong yellow)

Contact:- PM me.
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Pleco PJS

May 7, 2010
Southampton, UK
Re:Hi mate, how long have you had the L46's for?
I've had them since Spring this year. (Was going to breed them, but had to change plans due to unexpected changes in my personal circumstances. Will miss them when they go.)
I've deceided to throw in 6 clay caves and 3 clay tubes, since they spend most of the day time hiding in/by them!

As for pics - sorry, not very good with this, so pls go to Plecoplanet Profiles. The L144 are like the pic top left. (And yes, Jozebs, they do grow like weeds! Just love cucumber!)

Hope this helps.