i got few plecs need to shift to make room
4 or 5 LDA001s- you can prob sex them now- £7.50 each
2 or 3 L201s- bout 1.5"- £5 each
free fish
1 green barb
2 torpedo barbs- 1 with bent tail (very happy fish)
1 catfish- no idea what he is
loads of neon tetras
i shall not be posting so please dont ask
4 or 5 LDA001s- you can prob sex them now- £7.50 each
2 or 3 L201s- bout 1.5"- £5 each
free fish
1 green barb
2 torpedo barbs- 1 with bent tail (very happy fish)
1 catfish- no idea what he is
loads of neon tetras
i shall not be posting so please dont ask