For Sale Premium Plants & Planted Bogwood

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
Premium Holland Grown & Supplied Live Aquarium Plants & Planted Bogwoods

UK P&P Starts at £3.00 by 1st class Royal Mail Post.

New Plants & Planted Bogwood In Stock this week

Medium triple planted bogwood £17.49 planted with Java Moss, Java Fern & Anubias
Large triple Planted Bogwood £39.99 planted with Java Moss, Java Fern & Anubias

XL Microsorium Petropus Mother Plant 9cm pot plant 12" Price £21
XL Anubias Mother Plants 9cm pot plant 12" Price £22
Vesicularia Dubyana - Java Moss Dome £9.99
Vesicularia Dubyana - Java Moss supplied bunched £2.99
Premium Riccia Dome Plant £9.99
Microsorium Pteropus - Java Fern 5cm pot £5.99
Live Mossball - Chladoflora large £3.99
Java Moss & Java Fern On Terracotta Stick Size 12 - 14cm stick £5.99
Ceramic Breeder Tubes Hide & Java Moss
Pyramid formation breeder tubes / hide fantastic for shrimp & fry planted with live Java Moss as shown 8 cm tall x 8 cm wide x 6cm £13.99
Anubias Nana Supplied in a 5cm pot £5.99
Anubias Nana Bonzai 5cm pot £5.99 (2 left)
Anubias Heterophylia 5cm pot £5.99
Anubias Congensis 5cm pot £5.99
Anubias Barteri Nana 5cm pot £5.99

If there are any plants that you are looking for that are not listed please feel free to ask our Holland plant supplier has a massive stock - the list changes from week to week we will happily special order plants in for you as requested